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bigfunctions > ask_appstore_reviews



ask_appstore_reviews(prompt, app_url_in_appstore)


Ask AI what your app users think.

This function:

  1. Calls get_appstore_reviews function to retrieve the 500 latest user reviews of the mobile app.
  2. Builds a prompt using your question and including the retrieved user reviews.
  3. Calls ask_ai function to get the prompt answer using gemini-1.5-pro-preview-0409 model.

Click the GitHub icon to see the code.


Coolest Feature of Blablacar app

select'What is the coolest feature regarding customers?', '')
select'What is the coolest feature regarding customers?', '')
select bigfunctions.europe_west1.ask_appstore_reviews('What is the coolest feature regarding customers?', '')
| answer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| ## Blablacar App Review Analysis: Coolest Feature?

A recurring positive theme emerges: **the concept of community and shared journeys.**  
Users appreciate the opportunity to connect with others, share costs, and contribute to a more sustainable way of travel
