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bigfunctions > upsert



upsert(query_or_table_or_view, destination_table, insertion_mode, primary_keys, recency_field)


Merges query_or_table_or_view into the destination_table.

A record is identified by its primary_keys. A unique combination of those fields is a unique record. Before the merging operation, the records are identified and deduplicated according to the primary_keys. If recency_field is filled then the last record version is kept else it is chosen arbitrarily.

Param Possible values
query_or_table_or_view Can be a fully qualified table or view (<project-id>.)?<dataset_id>.<table_or_view_name>.
Can also be a plain query in BigQuery Standard SQL.
destination_table Must be a fully qualified table (<project-id>.)?<dataset_id>.<table_or_view_name>.
insertion_mode Three insertion mode are available:
  • "insert_only": existing records in query_or_table_or_view and not existing in destination_table are inserted. Deletion and update are not possible.
  • "delta": same as insert_only with the updatable records. Records existing both in query_or_table_or_view and in destination_table are updated. If recency_field is filled, only the most recent version from source and destination is kept.
  • "full": same as delta with the deletable records. Records not existing in query_or_table_or_view and existing in destination_table are deleted.
primary_keys Combination of field identifying a record. If primary_keys = [], every row will be considered as a unique record.
recency_field Orderable field (ie. timestamp, integer, ...) to identify the relative frechness of a record version.


1. Merge tables in delta mode

call'dataset_id.source_table_or_view', 'dataset_id.destination_table', 'delta', ['id'], 'timestamp_field');
call'dataset_id.source_table_or_view', 'dataset_id.destination_table', 'delta', ['id'], 'timestamp_field');
call bigfunctions.europe_west1.upsert('dataset_id.source_table_or_view', 'dataset_id.destination_table', 'delta', ['id'], 'timestamp_field');

2. Merge from query in full

call'select * from dataset_id.source_table_or_view where filter_field = true', 'dataset_id.destination_table', 'full', ['id'], null);
call'select * from dataset_id.source_table_or_view where filter_field = true', 'dataset_id.destination_table', 'full', ['id'], null);
call bigfunctions.europe_west1.upsert('select * from dataset_id.source_table_or_view where filter_field = true', 'dataset_id.destination_table', 'full', ['id'], null);