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A Framework
for BigQuery functions

Build a catalog of BigQuery functions
using BigFunctions Framework

Discover the framework

Discover the framework

  • A YAML Standard

    Each function is defined in a yaml file (with its author, description, arguments, examples, code, etc)

    Yaml files are used to test & deploy the functions and generate a documentation website (such as this website).

  • function yaml

  • A Command Line Interface

    bigfun CLI is installable with one pip install and enables you to:

    • get the yaml file of a public function
    • test the function
    • deploy it
    • generate a documentation website (such as this website)
  • bigfun command line interface

  • A Documentation Website

    The command line interface generates your catalog of the available functions in your company with use cases and examples.

    Foster self-service for your data-people!

  • website screenshot

Get Started!

bigfun CLI (command-line-interface) facilitates BigFunctions development, test, deployment, documentation and monitoring.

1. Install bigfun 🛠️

pip install bigfunctions

2. Use bigfun 🔥

$ bigfun --help
Usage: bigfun [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  deploy      Deploy BIGFUNCTION
  docs        Generate, serve and publish documentation
  get         Download BIGFUNCTION yaml file from unytics/bigfunctions...
  test        Test BIGFUNCTION

3. Create you first function 👷

Functions are defined as yaml files under bigfunctions folder. To create your first function locally, the easiest is to download an existing yaml file of unytics/bigfunctions Github repo.

For instance to download is_email_valid.yaml into bigfunctions folder, do:

bigfun get is_email_valid

You can then update the file to suit your needs.

4. Deploy you first function 👨‍💻

  1. Make sure the gcloud command is installed on your computer
  2. Activate the application-default account with gcloud auth application-default login. A browser window should open, and you should be prompted to log into your Google account. Once you've done that, bigfun will use your oauth'd credentials to connect to BigQuery through BigQuery python client!
  3. Get or create a DATASET where you have permission to edit data and where the function will be deployed.
  4. The DATASET must belong to a PROJECT in which you have permission to run BigQuery queries.

You now can deploy the function is_email_valid defined in bigfunctions/is_email_valid.yaml yaml file by running:

bigfun deploy is_email_valid

The first time you run this command it will ask for PROJECT and DATASET.

Your inputs will be written to config.yaml file in current directory so that you won't be asked again (unless you delete the entries in config.yaml). You can also override this config at deploy time: bigfun deploy is_email_valid --project=PROJECT --dataset=DATASET.

Test it with 👀:

select PROJECT.DATASET.is_email_valid('')

5. Deploy you first javascript function which depends on npm packages 👽

To deploy a javascript function which depends on npm packages there are additional requirements in addition to the ones above.

  1. You will need to install each npm package on your machine and bundle it into one file. For that, you need to install nodejs.
  2. The bundled js file will be uploaded into a cloud storage bucket in which you must have write access. The bucket name must be provided in config.yaml file in a variable named bucket_js_dependencies. Users of your functions must have read access to the bucket.

You now can deploy the function render_template defined in bigfunctions/render_template.yaml yaml file by running:

bigfun deploy render_template

Test it with 👀:

select PROJECT.DATASET.render_template('Hello {{ user }}', json '{"user": "James"}')

6. Deploy you first remote function ⚡️

To deploy a remote function (e.g. python function), there are additional requirements in addition to the ones of Deploy you first function section.

  1. A Cloud Run service will be deployed to host the code (as seen here). So you must have permissions to deploy a Cloud Run service in your project PROJECT.
  2. gcloud CLI will be used directly to deploy the service (using gcloud run deploy). Then, make sure you are logged in with gcloud by calling: gcloud auth login. A browser window should also open, and you should be prompted to log into your Google account. WARNING: you read correctly: you have to authenticate twice. Once for bigquery python client (to deploy any function including remote as seen above.) and once now to use gcloud (to deploy a Cloud Run service).
  3. A BigQuery Remote Connection will be created to link BigQuery with the Cloud Run service. You then should have permissions to create a remote connection. BigQuery Connection Admin or BigQuery Admin roles have these permissions.
  4. A service account will be automatically created by Google along with the BigQuery Remote Connection. BigQuery will use this service account of the remote connection to invoke the Cloud Run service. You then must have the permission to authorize this service account to invoke the Cloud Run service. This permission is provided in the role roles/run.admin

You now can deploy the function faker defined in bigfunctions/faker.yaml yaml file by running:

bigfun deploy faker

Test it with 👀:

select PROJECT.DATASET.faker("name", "it_IT")


How to define specific parameters for cloud run of python functions? In yaml files you can add a `cloud_run` field with cloud run parameters. Any argument of 'cloud run deploy' command can be put under `cloud_run` field. You can see an example here. You can also put the same config in your `config.yaml` file to define default values (useful for defining a default service account for functions). The arguments defined in `config.yaml` will be overriden by the arguments (if defined) defined in the function yaml files.
How to change the cloud run service account for python functions? By default, your default compute service account is used when deploying cloud run. To change that, see the previous FAQ item which show how to define specific parameters for cloud run.
How to correctly highlight sql, python and javascript code in yaml files? In yaml files multiline string are by default highlighted as strings. That makes reading code field hard to read (with all code in the same string color). To correctly highlight the code regarding its python / javascript / sql syntax, you can install YAML Embedded Languages VSCode extension.