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bigfunctions > faker



faker(what, locale)


Generates fake data of type what and localized with locale parameter (using faker python library)

Param Possible values
what aba, address, administrative_unit, am_pm, android_platform_token, ascii_company_email, ascii_email, ascii_free_email, ascii_safe_email, bank_country, bban, binary, boolean, bothify, bs, building_number, catch_phrase, century, chrome, city, city_prefix, city_suffix, color, color_name, company, company_email, company_suffix, coordinate, country, country_calling_code, country_code, credit_card_expire, credit_card_full, credit_card_number, credit_card_provider, credit_card_security_code, cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency_code, cryptocurrency_name, csv, currency, currency_code, currency_name, currency_symbol, current_country, current_country_code, date, date_between, date_between_dates, date_object, date_of_birth, date_this_century, date_this_decade, date_this_month, date_this_year, date_time, date_time_ad, date_time_between, date_time_between_dates, date_time_this_century, date_time_this_decade, date_time_this_month, date_time_this_year, day_of_month, day_of_week, dga, domain_name, domain_word, dsv, ean, ean13, ean8, ein, email, emoji, file_extension, file_name, file_path, firefox, first_name, first_name_female, first_name_male, first_name_nonbinary, fixed_width, free_email, free_email_domain, future_date, future_datetime, get_providers, hex_color, hexify, hostname, http_method, iana_id, iban, image_url, internet_explorer, invalid_ssn, ios_platform_token, ipv4, ipv4_network_class, ipv4_private, ipv4_public, ipv6, isbn10, isbn13, iso8601, items, itin, job, json, json_bytes, language_code, language_name, last_name, last_name_female, last_name_male, last_name_nonbinary, latitude, latlng, lexify, license_plate, linux_platform_token, linux_processor, local_latlng, locale, localized_ean, localized_ean13, localized_ean8, location_on_land, longitude, mac_address, mac_platform_token, mac_processor, md5, military_apo, military_dpo, military_ship, military_state, mime_type, month, month_name, msisdn, name, name_female, name_male, name_nonbinary, nic_handle, nic_handles, null_boolean, numerify, opera, paragraph, paragraphs, password, past_date, past_datetime, phone_number, port_number, postalcode, postalcode_in_state, postalcode_plus4, postcode, postcode_in_state, prefix, prefix_female, prefix_male, prefix_nonbinary, pricetag, profile, psv, pybool, pydecimal, pydict, pyfloat, pyint, pyiterable, pylist, pyobject, pyset, pystr, pystr_format, pystruct, pytimezone, pytuple, random_choices, random_digit, random_digit_not_null, random_digit_not_null_or_empty, random_digit_or_empty, random_element, random_elements, random_int, random_letter, random_letters, random_lowercase_letter, random_number, random_sample, random_uppercase_letter, randomize_nb_elements, rgb_color, rgb_css_color, ripe_id, safari, safe_color_name, safe_domain_name, safe_email, safe_hex_color, sbn9, secondary_address, seed_instance, sentence, sentences, sha1, sha256, simple_profile, slug, ssn, state, state_abbr, street_address, street_name, street_suffix, suffix, suffix_female, suffix_male, suffix_nonbinary, swift, swift11, swift8, tar, text, texts, time, time_delta, time_object, time_series, timezone, tld, tsv, unix_device, unix_partition, unix_time, upc_a, upc_e, uri, uri_extension, uri_page, uri_path, url, user_agent, user_name, uuid4, windows_platform_token, word, words, year, zip, zipcode, zipcode_in_state, zipcode_plus4
locale null, ar_AA, ar_AE, ar_BH, ar_EG, ar_JO, ar_PS, ar_SA, az_AZ, bg_BG, bn_BD, bs_BA, cs_CZ, da_DK, de, de_AT, de_CH, de_DE, dk_DK, el_CY, el_GR, en, en_AU, en_CA, en_GB, en_IE, en_IN, en_NZ, en_PH, en_TH, en_US, es, es_AR, es_CA, es_CL, es_CO, es_ES, es_MX, et_EE, fa_IR, fi_FI, fil_PH, fr_BE, fr_CA, fr_CH, fr_FR, fr_QC, ga_IE, he_IL, hi_IN, hr_HR, hu_HU, hy_AM, id_ID, it_CH, it_IT, ja_JP, ka_GE, ko_KR, la, lb_LU, lt_LT, lv_LV, mt_MT, ne_NP, nl_BE, nl_NL, no_NO, or_IN, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ro_RO, ru_RU, sk_SK, sl_SI, sq_AL, sv_SE, ta_IN, th, th_TH, tl_PH, tr_TR, tw_GH, uk_UA, vi_VN, zh_CN, zh_TW


1. Generate fake italian name

select"name", "it_IT")
select"name", "it_IT")
select bigfunctions.europe_west1.faker("name", "it_IT")
| fake_data        |
| Michela Beccaria |

2. Generate fake IPv4 address (without specifying locale)

select"ipv4_private", null)
select"ipv4_private", null)
select bigfunctions.europe_west1.faker("ipv4_private", null)
| fake_data     |
| |